HomePlace Branding
Home Place needed a new brand identity for their quilting business and their woodworking business. The house and land where the businesses reside is called the “Home Place” on the deed, and has been in the family since 1909. The two brands should have cohesiveness within them to be identifiable as being related to one another, but recognizable that they are different businesses.
New Logo
The developed logo incorporates modern design principles with memorable characteristics, all with intentional decisions behind them. The O was replaced with an identifying icon to differeniate the two businesses and the established date adds history to the brand, as the business name was rooted in the family history.

Logo Variations
Both businesses needed a variety of logos to use on various marketing materials. The same style was used for all variations across both businesses, further emphasizing consistency between the two. In the icon and submark, there are hints of a house structure which ties in to the history of the businesses and the strategy behind the business names. There was a lot of emphasis on the house and land the businesses are on, so including it in the brand identity was important for this project.
The colors are the same for both businesses for cohesion. The colors were chosen as they are neutral colors that have characteristics that can be used to represent and identify both of the companies. The oranges represent optimism and energy. The inclusion of a cool orange in the branding enhances the positivity that the brand brings through its products. Yellow, green, and tan are used to symbolize the outdoors, representing the family land that is involved in the story of the naming of the brand. An off-white gray tone and black are used to add contrast to the visual identity

The type is also the same for both businesses again for cohesion. The texture of the Burford Rustic typeface provides a true rustic feeling to the overall brand identity. The legibility of the Tahoma typeface makes it visible to anyone looking at branding collateral. The sans-serif typeface adds a family-friendly touch to the brand identity, and enhances the inclusion of the family history in the branding.
Both patterns consist of custom made illustrations to represent the businesses. The illustrations in the quilting pattern were carefully placed to represent the square patterns/repetition often used in quilting.